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Touch & Talk Language Learning Kit
Touch & Talk Language Learning Kit
The Touch & Talk kit by Communakit is an innovative language activity designed to enhance early language development. Through tactile, visual, and auditory interaction, this kit helps children improve their vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, and social communication—all while engaging with fun, sensory-rich objects.
Use this Kit to Help Children:
- Understand and follow sentences
- Speak in complete sentences
- Acquire basic grammar skills
- Learn descriptive words and basic concepts
- Increase working memory
- Practice social communication
How to Use Touch & Talk
Start with Comprehension (Listening)
- Step 1: The adult reads the sentence or describes the picture on the card.
- Step 2: The child arranges or identifies objects based on the instructions.
- Step 3: The card is revealed and compared to the child’s arrangement.
Switch Roles to Practice Expression (Speaking)
- Step 1: The child describes the image or arrangement as best they can.
- Step 2: The adult follows the child’s directions to arrange objects.
- Step 3: The card is shown to check if the arrangement matches, and any differences are discussed to reinforce vocabulary.
This activity works well for individual practice or in small group settings with 3-5 children, allowing each child to take turns listening and speaking. After arranging the items, children can keep the card as a point, and at the end, go around describing their images again!
The Touch & Talk Kit Features Three Levels for Progressive Learning:
- Level 1: 3 key pieces of information to practice prepositional phrases. Use the 30 Green Picture Cards and 20 items.
- Level 2: 4 key pieces of information to practice adjectives and comparatives. Use the 30 Yellow Picture Cards and add in 14 more items.
- Level 3: 5+ key pieces of information to practice quantity concept words. Use the 30 Blue Picture Cards and add in the remaining 16 items.
Pro Tips for Success
- Add Supports: Use hand gestures, visual aids, and a slower pace to help children grasp the instructions.
- Fade Supports: Gradually reduce aids to build independence.
- Explore and Discuss: Allow children to explore the materials first, using sensory descriptions to introduce key vocabulary (e.g., “smooth,” “rough,” “heavy,” “soft”).
Extension Activities
To further support learning with the Touch & Talk Kit, Communakit provides additional resources on our website:
- Concept vocabulary lists
- Sorting worksheets
- Compare & contrast worksheets
- Infographics on vocabulary
- Sensory mazes
- Talking Tiles for additional vocabulary practice
grammar, basic concepts & vocabulary
*New* Touch & Talk